Synopsis of Council Meeting 12th September 2022
- The captain welcomed everyone present.
- A minute’s silence was held in respect for the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II.
- Golf Course will be closed on Monday 19th September 2022 – HM the Queen’s funeral.
- Death of Mr Billy Morris recorded and acknowledged.
Treasurer’s Report
Invoices presented for payment were agreed.
Investigation of the feasibility of renewable energy ongoing.
In the light of the cost of utility bills expenditure to be kept to minimum.
Subcommittee Reports
New fountain – now fixed and working well.
Steps to tees – are being repaired, Sleepers ordered. Tees to receive granular feed.
Fairways – Wet areas to be spiked and sanded throughout the winter.
Bunkers – Sand has been introduced to bunkers as required; please remember to rake the bunkers.
Greens – All greens to be sanded on Monday 19th September; members are reminded of the importance of repairing pitch marks; please help to maintain our greens.
Ice Machine – A new machine has been purchased.
Catering – Patrick and Marie Claire have tendered their resignation. Vacancy has been advertised.
Fundraising Golf Classic 29th September – 1st October. Members are encouraged to support this fundraising event which is the main fundraiser of the year. Format will be singles competition in categories for both Ladies & Gents (Members and Visitors) and non-GI Golfers. There will be additional team prizes for team of four (3 men 1 lady) drawn from the cards of non-winners. Entry fee £30 members £40 Visitors to include food. Please support this fundraising event.
Match & Handicap
Knox & Cassidy Cups to be played on 23rd September.
Competition details posted on website.
2023/24– Initial Handicap Assessment – New members must submit 3 (18 hole) cards for initial HI award. To be eligible to play for main competition prizes they must then submit 11 scores (where the HI is calculated as the average of the lowest 3 scores) During this time there should be a “New members Prize”.
Winter League – Same format as last winter, starting beginning of December – details later.
Prizegiving night Saturday 1st October – recipients to be informed in good time – to start promptly at 8pm.
Elections. 2 Full members, 2 Get into Golf Ladies, 1 Junior 14–17-year member, 1 Junior 9–13-year-old members.
A Rural Business Development Grant Scheme application has been successful.
The Club will receive £4999.00 towards the purchase of an Ice Machine, CCTV System and an Access Control system for Locker Rooms. Approx. 50%.