Synopsis of Council Meetings 19th December 2022 & 16th January 2023
The captain welcomed everyone present. Both meetings held via zoom.
Treasurer’s Report
 Invoices presented for payment were agreed. VAT refund £3456.00
Renewable energy research- cost £19465 + VAT. Based on electricity bills there would be a 9 year payback on the investment.  Second quotation to be explored.
2023 subscription Invoices have be issued. Early payments would be appreciated to help with the Bank Balance.

Golf Ireland Interclub competitions entered as per 2022 – GI are not holding an All Ireland 4ball betterball this year.
Cowdy Association – Interclub competitions as per 2022 to be entered. Ronan Rafferty Team to be entered this year.

Captain’s Business
Condolence to John Norris on the passing of his father.

Sub Committee Reports
Leaf Blower has been purchased.
Toilet on Course to be repaired.
Irrigation system requires attention; a callout cost to be sought. A necessity for it to be working before golfing season.
Greens to be hollow-tined – end of February, beginning of March.
Sink hole in front of third green has been repaired.
Ivy on walls at 5th & 13th holes are being removed.
Staff for Bar and Catering has been advertised in Job Market.
A very enjoyable New Year’s Eve function despite a disappointing turnout. David McCartan & Daniel Sloan commended for the decorations and buffet.
Santa Sunday held on 18th December – again not well supported.
Liqueur Licence due for renewal in March. All documentation with Club’s Solicitor.
Some Sponsorship monies still outstanding for Golf Classic.
Another Quiz night and Bingo session to be arranged.
Match & Handicaps
Winter League will run a little longer due to course closures. 73% player participation.
Fixture List for 2023 almost complete.
Course Rating has been altered – including Men Red Tees – tables available on Website.
Strategic Planning
Captain congratulating the subcommittee for their continuing work in line with Golf Ireland recommendations.
Proposal will be presented to Council; if approved will be presented to members at an EGM.


Full Member – Sean Hastings 121a Ballylough Road Castlewellan Proposer B. Watts Seconder R. Hall.
Stephen O’Hare 6 Fairview Warrenpoint Proposer Paschal Morgan Seconder Leslie Edgar.
Senior – Aubrey Moorhead 2 Council Road Kilkeel Proposer Colm Cunningham Seconder Robert Campbell.
5 Day – John Knapton 45 Aughnagun Road Warrenpoint and Raymond Bafnell 30 Fairfield Heights Newry.
For both Proposer Anthony Price Seconder William Hogg.
Young Adult 26 – 29 years Phillip Galloway 12 Bearnagh View Rathfriland and
Timothy Hutchinson 2 Lisnamulligan Road Hilltown for both Proposer Dean Smyth Seconder John Davenport.
Gareth Caulfield 2 Rossword Park Rostrevor Proposer Colm Moan Seconder Chris Higgins.
22-25 years
– Christopher Hynes 52 Cross Road Rathfriland Proposer D. Niblock Seconder James Bell.

Centenary Sub Committee –
A new committee to be arranged. Allan McMullan doing great work with the history of the Club. Anyone with computer skills interested in helping Allan please contact Hon. Secretary.

Clarification of timeframe and voting criteria for AGM which is to held (Provisionally) on Friday 10th March 2023.