Synopsis of Council meeting 5th September 2023.

Vice-Captain Robin McCullough chaired the meeting.

Condolences to Dan Sloan on a family bereavement.

Matters Arising: –
Ladies branch sponsor sign on tee marker to be repositioned.
A recent request to transfer a Life Membership for a second time was discussed. The definition is Double Life Membership which allows a transfer to a second person. Legal advice was sought however this was inconclusive. In line with a recent Double life membership decision, the application of 10.8 in the Club’s Rules and to maintain consistency, the request to transfer to a third person was denied.
The Caterer’s contract has been updated and is to be presented to the Caterer for agreement and signature.
An incident on Captain’s night required legal advice to be sought. The Club should not become involved in an investigation and relevant information should be passed to PSNI. Regarding viewing of CCTV, it was stressed that no-one from the club should view the footage however it was stated that the captain had already stated that he had viewed the footage!

Correspondence: –
The Captain of Shandon Park Golf Club requested KGC views on Inter-club matches regarding traditional home and away fixtures.
Hugh McCulloch of Condensation Solutions reported an issue with sponsorship of a tee marker and a competition. He is to be sent a letter apologising for the confusion and offering an opportunity for sponsorship.
The Entertainment licence is due for renewal before 31st October.
The Ladies Branch requested 3rd November for a fundraising wine and cheese evening. They are to be offered 27th October for this event as the Caterer is on holiday.
Newry, Mourne & Down Council have rescheduled a flyover video of the course for 21st September. This is part of a promotion of golf in the area ahead of the Irish Open to be held at RCD next year.
An apology is to be sent declining an invitation to the Cowdy Club golf and dinner.
The Hon Secretary is to have a Zoom meeting with a company who specialise in HR for golf clubs.

Hon Treasurer’s Report.
Victor Quinn presented the monthly accounts for payment.
An income and expenditure report comparison for this year and last year were discussed. Green fees and buggy hire are both down in comparison to last year.
Concern was raised regarding the income to date for the ‘Big Draw’- presently there is insufficient to cover the prize fund.

Sub Committee Reports
Greens – Scarification with assistance from a neighbouring club machine will now take place on Monday 25th September.
DryJect treatment to Greens – (New treatment to be undertaken by NI Agents (RCD)) 16th October. Cost £4000 plus purchase of sand.

The Fundraising Convenor suggested that Members to be reminded to return their sales for the Big Draw asap.
BBQ 26th August – Disappointing turnout. Costings from Nicholson’s Butchers and Sean Morgan was clarified as the costings were not like for like.
Some discussion ensued as to why the prize fund for the ‘Big Draw’ had risen to £15,500 when it had been agreed that the prize fund should be £10000.  It was suggested that the tickets should have been reprinted but unfortunately, they had been distributed. 
Sponsors of Tee markers are to be invoiced – £150 plus VAT.
Big Breakfast Fundraiser – planned for Saturday 28th October. Caterer on holidays that weekend.

7& 9th September Competition Sponsors B. Gallagher, P. Mulholland, C. Moan & L. Donnan
Open Fundraising Weekend 21st, 23rd & 24th September Sponsors Shane Harrison & Chris Higgins. Prize Fund of £1000. Details will be posted on website. Prizes will be presented on 4th November.
12th & 14th October Sponsors M. McDonald & L. McCartan
9 Hole Competitions – will continue until evening Tee times are no longer practical.
Qualifying competitions – when ceased, electronic capability of General Play rounds to be disabled.
Prize night originally planned for 9th September – postponed until 23rd September.
All Matchplay Finals extended until 25th September.
2024 – Requirement – a minimum of 3 x 18 holes cards to be returned to maintain handicap index.
Returning Scorecards – Legibility of scores and signatures – Felt tip pens not to be used.
Knox & Cassidy Cups postponed to 13th October.
Lady Secretary requested a Shotgun start for Lady President’s Day on 29th September. Council declined the request. Lady Secretary to be advised.

Caterer has commenced with sandwiches, wraps, Burrito bowls, Salad bowls, tray bakes and desserts Monday – Wednesdays.
Coffee machine is in place at the bar.
Concerns raised as to the supply of prepared foods Monday – Wednesday. Allergens & Ingredients not listed on packages. Is this a legal requirement? House Convenor to advise Caterer.
Steak nights on Saturday nights.
Christmas Party nights to be advertised within the next few weeks. 
Music in Club proved to be very successful.
Men’s Locker room – light bulbs require replacements.
Smells from Urinals is a problem – J. Annett offered to address same.

Junior Locker room clearance to be finished; Cooker and Bain Marie – disposed. Convenor to identify trollies belonging to Juniors. Lessons have been completed.
Measures to address building the Junior Section requires attention.
Junior day to be arranged over the Halloween period.

An issue was raised that an absent Council member objected to an entry in the minutes which stated that the captain had openly called Joey Annett a cheat. This point was clarified and the minute remained.
It was suggested that Council had not carried out the correct procedures in the suspension of the captain and a proposal was made that he should be reinstated immediately.
A counter proposal was made stating that the captain had admitted changing the card for which he was not a marker and initialling same, therefore the decision of 21st August should remain.  – The counter proposal was carried.

KGC 2023 Council WhatsApp group
– A Council member had posted a message stating that there were inconsistencies in the Council’s decision-making process and that as a result, it was bringing the club into disrepute!
The Hon Secretary indicated that the conduct and language demonstrated by some members of Council was disrespectful and unacceptable and must not continue. 
It was stated that the WhatsApp group was created by the Hon Secretary and was intended to send out brief messages and request brief information. Sadly, it had been used as a platform for inappropriate and unnecessary comments.
It was stated by a member that a lot of hard work had been undertaken and was continuing to present a positive reputation for the club. Recent comments and associated misinformation were having a detrimental effect and should be avoided and refuted by members and Council members alike.

Next Council meeting Monday 9th October 2023.