2023/24 Winter competitions and Winter League arrangements


Winter Competitions and Winter League 2023/24

The summer golfing season is coming to a close and the ‘Golfer of the Year’ title is still up for grabs with approximately 4 more sponsored competitions still to play.
Following the end of the sponsored competitions it is proposed to commence winter competitions and also a winter league.

Winter competitions will be similar to last year with 2 competitions per week running from Thursday to Saturday and Sunday to Wednesday so it is possible to play in a competition on any day.

While it is non-qualifying, it is hoped to continue to use 18 holes for as long as the Head Greenkeeper allows and the weather conditions remain favourable.

Similar to last year’s competition, in order to ensure that there are no repeating winners since there are no automatic handicap adjustments, for each competition there will be point reductions for those who are placed in the bi-weekly competitions.

1st – 3 point reduction in subsequent competitions
2nd – 2 point reduction in subsequent competitions
3rd – 1 point reduction in subsequent competitions.

Winning Gross scores will be shown in gross points over the winter period and as such a gross score winner will be deducted 1 point in subsequent competitions.

The deductions will be applied for 4 weeks and will then cease.

Number of prizes will depend on the number of entrants as per all competitions.
Under 20 entrants – 1 prize
20-30 entrants – 2 prizes & gross
30+ – 3 prizes & gross

Alongside the Winter competitions it is hoped to run a Winter League. This year the main competition will be an individually based league with prizes for the top 10 individuals at the conclusion. A secondary team event will run alongside the main competition.

The Winter League will be held over 9 holes, usually the front 9, however there may be occasions where the ‘old’ nine is more suitable (1,11,2,3,4,15,16,17,18).

Scores MUST be entered into the Clubv1 system to count.

If there are 60 entrants, each week the winner will get 60 points, second 59 etc. down to last place which will receive 1 point. There will be bonus points (5,4,3,2,1) for the top 5 places each week. If the league runs for 12 weeks, the top 8 weeks will count towards the final overall total.

The number of members in a team will hopefully be 8 with 5 cards counting towards the team score.

If a regular fourball wants to be in the same team, please indicate this at entry and they can be joined with another 4 players or another 4 ball to make up a team of 8.

The number and level of prizes will depend on the number of entries. It is hoped to have prizes for at least the top 10 individual places with the winner receiving approximately £100 depending on the number of entrants. The winning team will also receive prizes.

Entry fee is £15 and may be entered in the Pro Shop over the next few weeks.

It is hoped to commence the league from Thursday 9th November and will run for at least 12 weeks.

If the weather impacts on a week’s play, there may be a 2 week window created to allow entries to be made.

Results and positions should be published online each week.