Local Rules
A ball is out of bounds when it lies:
On or beyond any wall, fence, white line or row of white stakes defining the boundary of the course.
Beyond the white stakes to the left of 18th hole.
On or over the tarmac path at the back of the 18th green.
2. G.U.R.S
Through the green, a ball lying in an area marked G.U.R. must be lifted and dropped within one club length of the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole.
Through the green, a ball lying in a rut caused by machinery may be lifted, cleaned and dropped as per Rule 24.
All man-made paths, bridges and concrete foundations on the course are deemed Immovable Obstructions.
Rule 24 applies.
All water points and manhole covers are Immovable Obstructions. Rule 24 applies.
In addition, if a ball lies off the putting green but not in a hazard, and an Immovable Obstruction, within two club lengths of the ball, intervenes on the line of play between the ball and the hole, the player may take relief as follows:
The ball must be lifted and dropped at the nearest point to where the ball lay that (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids intervention and (c) is not in a hazard or on a putting green. The ball may be cleaned when lifted. Relief under this Local Rule is also available if the player’s ball lies on the putting green and an Immovable Obstruction within two club lengths off the putting green intervenes on his line of putt. The player may take relief as follows:
The ball must be lifted and placed at the nearest point where the ball lay that (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids intervention and (c) is not in a hazard. The ball may be cleaned when lifted.
At 2nd, 10th and 12th holes, water hazard is to be treated as a Lateral Water Hazard. Line of hazard defined by red markers. All other ditches with yellow markers are Water Hazards.
7. All young trees unless marked or staked are in play.
8. Stones in sand bunkers are movable obstructions.
9. In official competitions, competitors must play from the specified markers – usually the White markers unless otherwise stipulated.
10. Caddy cars and trolleys must not be taken onto greens or tees. Ride-on buggies must be kept well away from tees and greens and should travel in the rough as much as possible.
Please be courteous to all other golfers with whom you share the course.
Please preserve the course by repairing any damage incurred during play immediately.
Please keep play moving smoothly and quickly at all times.

Ladies Branch – Local Rules
No person may receive a handicap certificate or take part in any competition until her annual subscription has been paid in full.
No member may play or act as marker in any competition without a current WHS handicap. Entrance fee must be paid and competition book signed before playing in a competition, otherwise the competitor will be disqualified.
Competitions must always start at FIRST TEE, unless the Committee arranges a special format. Each player is responsible for her own card. Only Ladies are to mark cards in Ladies Open Competitions.
All score cards must be signed by the player and marker; it is the player’s responsibility to ensure that her score, the date and handicap have been recorded correctly on her card, entered into the computer (via Terminal or HDID App) and the card returned to the competition box.
Any competitor who fails to comply with the above procedure may be disqualified from the next two competitions.
No competitor may play in competitions outside draw times except in special circumstances when permission may be sought from the Committee.
Juvenile and Intermediate girls with an adult handicap of 35 or better are eligible to play in Ladies’ competitions, except those sponsored or associated with alcohol or with an age limit and the following:- Lady Captain’s Prize, Lady President’s Prize, Captain’s Prize, President’s Prize & Golfer of the Year. Vouchers should substitute alcohol for underage competitors.
Country Members are not eligible to compete in the following competitions: Lady Captain’s, Lady Vice-Captain’s, Lady President’s, President’s and Captain’s Prizes, Golfer of the Year and Qualifying Competitions for Club representation. N.B. Country Members may enter draw in Tuesday competitions and can compete for the Sponsors’ Prizes in the relevant Club Qualifying Competitions.
GOLFER OF THE YEAR – The William Orr Rose Bowl – Sponsor
Points will be awarded in all 18 holes domestic competitions during the year as follows:- First – 5 points, Second – 4 points, Third – 3 points, Forth – 2 points, Fifth – 1 point. In the event of a tie the Player with the maximum first place points will be declared the winner. This format will be extended to fifth place, if necessary.
Pay entrance fee and sign book once only for each competition i.e. before commencing Basic Ringer. The Basic Ringer (first 18 holes) must be played in a competition and recorded on the ringer sheet. Additional cards may be returned by completing a minimum of 9 holes (stroke play) – first 9 or second 9 and can be played outside Domestic and Open competitions at Kilkeel Golf Club, Monday to Saturday. Thereafter, each hole may be improved once only. Markers must hold an ILGU handicap. Two thirds of handicap on the closing date of the competition will be deducted. Cards must be dated, signed, countersigned and handicap recorded. Otherwise card will be disqualified.
Maximum handicap – 36. Entrance to Open competitions should be through the ILGU card. Kilkeel members not playing in Open competitions will only be permitted to use the Course provided they book a place after 5pm on the day preceding the competition or at the discretion of the starter.
All birdies recorded in 18 holes Domestic singles competitions at Kilkeel Golf Club to count. It is the player’s responsibility to ensure that her scores have been recorded on the birdie tree. The following competitions are excluded: Ringer Competitions, Fourballs, Foursomes, Matchplay and Winter League Competitions. The Competitions Committee will be responsible for monitoring birdies.
Players representing the club or playing in ILGU competitions on a Tuesday may play the Tuesday competition on the day previous (Monday). This EXCLUDES major competitions, i.e. Captain’s and Lady Captain’s Prizes, and President’s and Lady President’s Prizes.
Open competitions : As detailed in the Diary. Domestic competitions : The first Tuesday of each month as detailed in the Diary. Players with a good score and who played in earlier draws must contact the Club for results prior to the above times.
In all Competitions it is the responsibility of the players to determine if they are prizewinners. Players scoring 36 points (or equivalent) or better should contact the club prior to the presentation (10pm) to check. (COVID restrictions may override this notice!)
Prizewinners not attending a Prize Presentation or not appointing a representative will not receive their prize/s. Such prize/s will be withheld and played for, in a Charity Competition.
If a representative receives a prize on behalf of a winner the prize is no longer the responsibility of the Club.
All fixtures are correct at time of printing. Please check notice in shop for any alterations or additions.
Tee times for Saturday Domestic competitions are usually active from 8.00pm on Tuesday for the weekend in advance of the competition.

Entry fees must be paid before participating in any competition. Penalty for breach: Disqualification.
In Open competitions only members with a current handicap from a G.U.I. affiliated Golf Club are eligible. G.U.I. cards must be produced.
Kilkeel members not playing in Open competitions will only be permitted to use the course provided they book a place after 5pm on the day preceding the competition or at the discretion of starters.
Entry fee to each Domestic competition is £6.00.
In all Domestic competitions:
(1) Names must be entered on the appropriate timesheet.
(2) Starting times must be strictly adhered to.
Penalty for breach: Disqualification.
Golfer of the Year :
During the season points will be allocated from 1st to 15th position in each Thursday / Saturday 18 holes singles competition, and including Open Week. The winner of the ‘Golfer of the Year’ perpetual trophy will be announced at the final prizegiving of the season.
Club Scratch Champion : Sponsored by
The 16 best aggregate gross scores from any two of the first three qualifying domestic stroke competitions of the season, will qualify for the matchplay stages of the competition. If there is a tie, the normal rules of golf apply.
Scores must be computerized, kept confidential and scorecards placed in the competition box. Any competitor who fails to record his score in the computer may be prohibited from playing in the next two competitions. It is the player’s responsibility to ensure that his score is entered into the computer.
Members holding Senior G.U.I. handicaps are permitted to play in competitions designated on competition card.
Matchplay competitions must be played within the stipulated times and entry fees paid before the first match is played. Penalty for breach: Disqualification.
It is expected that members will observe etiquette at all times.
Ladies competitions are normally played on Tuesdays.
Ladies normally have preference on the course on that day.
However “pace of play” applies.